

The purpose of this page is to equip you with the software and tools necessary to successfully complete the certificate!

You will:

  • Install R & R Studio

    • The programming software and beautiful user interface that we will use to write code that builds plots, generates maps, performs statistics, etc..
  • Create a Github Account

    • Github is the tool we use to collaborate, back-up our code, and showcase as our personal data science portfolio
  • Install Git

    • The underlying software Github relies on
  • Link R Studio & Github

  • Learn how to accept and turn in assignments with R Studio and Github Classroom

Installing R and R Studio

Follow this video created by Kristen Sosulski for the New York University’s Stern School of Business

Create a Github Account

Before you create your account, here are some awesome tips from happygitwithr

  • Incorporate your actual name! People like to know who they’re dealing with. Also makes your username easier for people to guess or remember.
  • Reuse your username from other contexts, e.g., Twitter or Slack. But, of course, someone with no GitHub activity will probably be squatting on that.
  • Pick a username you will be comfortable revealing to your future boss. Shorter is better than longer.
  • Make it timeless. Don’t highlight your current university, employer, or place of residence, e.g. JennyFromTheBlock.

Visit Github and sign up for an account!

Make your github profile more personal by creating a README file

Here is my github account for reference

How to accept and submit assignments

  1. Accept the Assignment Here

  2. Copy your specific repository link (seen in video)

  3. Create a new R Project

  • Select Git
  • Paste repository link
  • Name repository yourusername-sdg-assignments
  1. For each module
  • Complete challenge
  • Save file
  • Commit file
  • Push file


We’re here to help you! If any of this doesn’t go smoothly join us for office hours or set up a separate session with me by emailing me at .

  • Performing all of the steps here is essential for the rest of the course so please reach out to us to get you up and running ASAP